16 October 2017

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our PTFA AGM. Two of our stalwart members, Nikki Walsh and Bev Bury, are taking a back seat due to work and study commitments. Nikki is stepping down as chairman and Bev, although remaining as treasurer, is also unable to commit as much time. I would like to say a huge thank you to both of them for the contribution they have made over many years. It really is very much appreciated. I am also very grateful to all the other members of the committee and every parent/ grandparent who has given up their time to ensure that our PTFA events have been so successful. These events have raised a considerable amount of money for school, as well as being enjoyable family occasions. Last year they donated £3,000 towards the cost of purchasing mini I-pads for the Infants, school bags and water bottles for our new children, playground equipment for the Juniors, Leavers’ gifts for Y6 and contributed to the cost of the Life Education bus. The PTFA funds also subsidise school visits to keep cost to parents as low as possible ~ last year they contributed over £450 to this which otherwise would have had to be included in the parental contributions. A letter will be coming home shortly giving more information about the elected officers and forthcoming dates.