The School Day.

We operate an “open school system” in the morning.

Children arrive any time between 8.45am and 8.55am and come straight into school to take part in activities in their classroom. school closes at 3.15 for infant children and 3.20pm for our junior children This totals 32.5 hours opening time for the infants and 32.92 hours in the Juniors.

We do ask that children arrive promptly in the morning as key teaching takes place in the first 15 minutes of the day. Missing this can have a real impact on a child’s progress if they are late on a regular basis.

  • 8.55am: Infant and Junior school day begins
  • 3.15pm: Infant school day ends
  • 3.20pm: Junior school day ends

All children have a 15 minute break in the morning and KS1 children also have a 15 minute break during the afternoon.

All children have 1 hour for lunch with KS1 taking their lunch at 12:00pm and KS2 from 12.15pm. 

Reporting absence

If your child is not able to attend school, please call the office on the first morning of absence on 01772 682866 or message Mrs Moore on ClassDojo.

Alternatively, you can email school directly 

For the safety of our children, if no phone call or email has been received explaining the non-attendance of a pupil, we will contact parents during the morning session.

When it comes to managing infections and whether a child should be kept absent from school we follow advice from the Public Health Agency for schools and childcare settings along with latest NHS guidance. 

Our school Attendance Policy can be found in the Policies section of this website.