Meet our Governors
Meet Our Governors
Jane Smethurst
Head Teacher
Declaration of Interests - Nil
Headteacher appointed 1st September 2024.

Mrs Lynne Lowe - Term - 23/11/21 - 22/11/25
Chair of Governors - Co-opted Governor. Declaration of Interests - Nil.
Committees - All committees.
Brings experience of senior management, having worked in financial services in the private sector for over 35 years. Has two grown up children who both attended KWPS and prior to being a co-opted governor was a parent governor. Brings 14 years of governor experience. Lynne is the Child Protection/ Safeguarding / Prevent Governor & the On-Line Safety Governor.

Mrs Ann Beatham - Term - 1/8/23 - 31/7/27
Co-opted Governor. Declaration of Interests - Nil.
Committees - Finance, Staffing, Buidlings and Health and Safety Committee, Pay Committee and Standards and Effectiveness Committee.
This school has been a part of my life since 2003 when I moved into the area and my children became pupils here. They all had a fantastic start to their education at KWPS. My two older children have now gone on to university and my youngest is at Carr Hill High School. I have a degree in Mathematics and qualified as a Chartered Accountant, but after a break to bring up my children I decided to re-train as a teaching assistant. I have worked at KWPS since 2009. I am currently based in year 5, but have worked in most classes throughout the school. I am the nominated governor for Literacy. In my spare time I love to travel, go to the theatre, walk my dogs and have recently started cycling.

Mrs Rosemary Brown - Term 2/10/23 - 1/10/27
Parent Governor. Declaration of Interests - Nil.
Committees - Pay Committee and Standard and Effectiveness Committee.
I am a Parent Governor at KWPS. Born and brought up on a farm on the outskirts of Wesham, I attended Strike Lane Primary School and Queen Mary School, Lytham. I studied Rural Resource Management at the University of Reading, achieving an upper second class degree. After working at Treales CE Primary School I went on to complete a PGCE at Edgehill University. I am married to a Veterinary Surgeon who has a practice based in Penwortham with a branch surgery in Wesham. I taught for 10 years at Poulton St Chad’s CE Primary School, where I completed a term of office as the staff governor, before taking a career break with my three children who currently attend KWPS. I now work at AKS Preparatory School, Lytham and enjoy running Starfishes Stay and Play at Christ Church, Wesham where I am also a member of the Club Day Committee.
Mrs Alison Cunliffe - Term - 28/11/24 - 27/11/28
Co-opted Governor. Declaration of Interests - Nil.
Committees - Standards and Effectiveness Committee.
Mrs Alison Culshaw - Term - 19/7/21 - 18/7/25
Staff Governor. Declaration of Interests - Nil.
Committees - Standards and Effectiveness Committee.
I teach in the Reception class at Kirkham & Wesham Primary School and I am also the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, a role which I thoroughly enjoy. I have been a staff governor at Kirkham & Wesham Primary School since June 2014 and am now in my second term. I have 2 daughters, my youngest is at university studying Maths and my eldest has left home and working. In my spare time I enjoy cycling with my family, playing tennis and baking.
Mr Michael J Moore - Term 17/7/24 - 16/7/28
Local Authority Governor. Declaration of Interests - Nil.
Committees - Attends all committees
I have been a governor at KWPS since 1996. For over 20 years I was chair of governors. I attend all the governors committees. Although I no longer have children at the school, all three of my daughters attended KWPS and went on to gain University entrance. I am now retired from business which gives me more time to devote to KWPS although this has been curtailed recently since stepping down as Chair and due to the Covid crisis. During my professional career, I was a senior manager in the nuclear industry and then joined the Health and Safety Executive as a Principal Inspector in the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (now Office for Nuclear Regulation). In my spare time I am a very keen sailor and compete in various open meetings in the UK as well as National and World Championships. I was Chair of the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) North West and also as a member of the National RYA Board and Council. I remain President of RYA in the North West.
Mrs Laura Potts - Term - 28/3/22 - 27/3/26
Parent Governor. Declaration of Interests - Nil.
Committees - Pay Committee, Pupil Discipline Committee and Standards and Effectiveness Committee
Date of Appointment 28th March 2022
Mr Colin Smy - Term - 23/11/23 - 22/11/27
Co-opted Governor. Declaration of Interests - Nil.
Committees - Attends all committees. Chair of Standards and Effectiveness Committee.
I work supporting early years families, dads engagement, parks development, volunteering and community development in Blackpool. I have one child in the juniors here at KWPS, one child in high school and one in college. I have worked in adult education for 10 years previously, within the areas of quality monitoring and programme development.
Mr Phillip Sowden - Term - 1/8/23 - 31/7/27
Co-opted Governor. Declaration of Interests - Nil.
Committees - Complaints Review Committee, Grievance Committee, Headteacher's Appraisal Committee and Pupil Discipline Committee. Chair of Finance, Staff, Buildings and Health and Safety Committee.
My name is Phillip Sowden. I have been on the governing body for about 15 years but have had connections with the school for much longer. I attended the school more years ago than I like to admit as did my sister and two brothers, my sisters children and my own daughter. My grand niece is currently at the school. I started out as a parent governor and then became a co-opted governor after my daughter moved up to high school and I am currently the vice chair of governors and chair of the Finance, Buildings and Curriculum Committee.
Due to our relatively small Governing Body, we do not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.