8 April 2020

Hope you are all well and enjoying the fine weather despite the circumstances. It is so wonderful to see pictures of the children keeping busy!
Olly and Ameila (Years 4 and 1) have been completing their work packs and have been very busy painting a rainbow for the living room window. Amelia has been learning about mixing primary colours too and has also been busy making a teepee bed for her bedroom with Daddy using tools and measuring. Both children are very excited about painting it!
After watching Stick man on TV ,Stanley and Scarlett (Year 1) wanted to make their own, so they collected some sticks and they got to work!
Declan (Year 3 ) has written a short story about a dragon, written a fact file about his favourite footballer and made rainbows for family members and posted them. He has been going for daily walks or bike rides and even prepared a Joe Wicks style workout for to do with his mum!
He really enjoys the stories read by the teachers, he particularly enjoyed Chocolatina read by Mrs Eccles.
Oliver (Rec) has made a 3D rainbow! He decided to use cotton which is fluffy like clouds can be and some glitter for a bit of sparkle!