15 July 2020

Welcome to our last WFH update before the summer holidays.It has been a privilege being able to share so many lovely pictures of our wonderful children with you all.
Seeing their happy smiling faces has definitely brightened the day and enabled us all to keep in touch especially during the earlier days of lockdown. We are looking forward to returning in September and welcoming all our children back through the doors at KWPS.
Declan has been to Ribby Wild Discovery and he saw lots of wonderful animals. He planted his sunflower seed with his sister and the seedlings started to appear less than a week later! On Monday, Declan was awarded player of the year for his KJFC fire U8 team and was very proud and pleased! (Well done Declan!)
Today Declan has enjoyed doing some of the homework tasks to share with Miss Banks and he completed a 5k with his Mum too! (Brill!)
Ezri has been doing her school work, helped big brother Ned with a Carr Hill Maths Muser and has been drawing cards and pictures to post to family. She has started back at football, helped do some painting,, done some gardening, turned 7 (Happy Birthday!!) and got breakfast in bed. She has also taken part in a zoom meeting with Miss Fiddler, built a rocket and watched Tim Peake doing a live YouTube chat.