27 November 2020

Draft PSHE Policy
PSHE and RSE Policy and Scheme of Work
The Government introduced the compulsory teaching of Health Education and Relationships Education in all schools from September 2020. Here at KWPS we have completed a lot of preparation for this. The staff and PSHE Governors took part in training sessions and formulated a draft policy and scheme of work. We had planned to hold a parents’ meeting in the Summer term to discuss this policy and hold a question and answer session. This wasn’t able to happen due to lockdown and as we are still not in a position where we can invite parents into school, the Governors have decided to post the policy and scheme of work on the website for consultation. This policy covers our school approach to the teaching of PSHE (Personal, social and health education) which includes the statutory guidance on Relationships Education and Health Education (HRE). Much of what is covered was already in place in our previous PSHE scheme of work.
We would be grateful if you could take the time to read the policy and if you have any comments or questions please complete a quick survey using the link below:
Or email the PSHE Governors Lisa Greenwood and Wendy Wilson (pshegovernor@kirkhamwesham.lancs.sch.uk).
Rhiannon Jones