13 January 2023

Kirkham Library
Our local library have lots of events planned through out the week and have asked if we can share them.
Our libraries are all warm and welcoming spaces, where you can find:
• a warm drink (free of charge)
• a space to sit
• free computers and Wi-Fi
• charging points for your phone or laptop
• events and activities
• help from staff to find information
Monday (2:30pm - 4pm)
Knit and Natter - Bring your own knitting or other craft for an informal gathering. Beginners welcome
Every third Monday of the month (1pm - 2pm)
Poetry Group - Reading, writing and discussion poetry.
First Wednesday of the month (4:30pm - 5pm)
Reading Group - Age 7 - 9
Wednesday (5pm - 6pm)
Quiet hour - Browse books, sit and read a story, or use the public computers and free Wi-FI with a little less nose than usual.
Thursday (10am - 10:30am)
Baby Bounce and Rhyme - A weekly sing-along rhyme session for babies and carers.
Thursday (10:30am - 11am)
Story Time - A weekly story reading session for pre-school children (suitable for 3-5 year olds)
Every third Friday of the month (11am - 12pm)
Kirkham Library Reading Group - An informal and friendly group where they read and discuss a lively mix of books.
Friday (10:30am - 12pm)
Zentangle Drawing - Creativity and art combined with zentangle drawing at this mindful art club.
Friday (11am - 12pm)
Get online at your library - Learn new digital skills. Get help and advice whether you are a complete novice, learner or just plain terrified!
Friday (2pm - 4pm)
Sew and Make - A weekly sewing session.
Every second Saturday of the month (10:30am - 11:30am)
Library Gardening Club
Kirkham Library Friends Gardening Group.
Saturday 11th February only (10:30am - 12:00pm)
Picasso for Kids - Learn to draw and collage in the style of cubism like Picasso
Saturday (10:30am - 11:15am)
Lego Club - Go along, join in and create Lego masterpieces.
I know the library would be thrilled if members of our community could attend any of their events.