18 May 2020

It's the start of another week of home learning and as usual we have some lovely pictures to share with you.
Declan has continued to work hard. He keeps working on his maths in the morning using NumBots, Times Table Rockstars and Hit the Button.
He is working through the books on BugClub as well as reading the crocodile themed work that was set for the week. He wrote about the 3 tricks in Roald Dahls book 'The Enormous Crocodile'.
Declan also worked through the Boudicca presentation slides and wrote down some excellent answer to the role play questions. Well done Declan! Keep it up!
Charlotte really enjoyed learning the Rainbow song in French. Mum has sent us a lovely video of Charlotte! She wrote down lots of facts about Boudicca and talked through the comprehension. Charlotte thoroughly enjoyed watching Maddie Moate’s programme about Shadows but was a little surprised by the size of one dinosaur that appeared on her bedroom wall!!