29 June 2020

Friday 26th June 2020
Dear KWPS Families,
We are loving all the wonderful Maths work you have been completing at home, especially all the practical Maths like baking, counting skips and learning to tell the time on the clocks in your house. As you are all such fabulous mathematicians, we thought it would be lovely to work together in a Maths competition which the Sumdog website have set up. You can download the Sumdog app or use the Sumdog website www.sumdog.com to play and your teacher will be sending you your login details over the next few days. There are lots of games and when you first start, you will complete a training mode which will make sure the questions should be matched to what you are able to do in Maths. You will get a personal, virtual pet and you can earn coins to buy things for your own virtual house.
The contest they run is open to any schools across the country who register and it will run from Friday 3rd July to Thursday 9th July. Typically, over 48,000 classes take part in Sumdog’s maths contests every year, answering over 3.5 billion questions! That’s a lot of Maths! The idea is that you should try to answer as many questions as you can during that time, using the Sumdog app or website. To take part, you will need to start practising the games now, then at any time during the contest, log on, click on Tasks, select the contest and start! You can go on as often as you like between the two dates and can complete up to 1000 questions to add to the contest score. Your first name and the initials of your last name, class and school will appear on the leaderboard. (Parents/Guardians – please note this is visible to anyone who has entered the contest.)
The teachers will be able to view the contest leaderboard for our school so we can see which class has the most dedicated mathematicians. I wonder who will get the most points? There’s a house point for everyone who takes part and we’ll also see which house gets the most points! Remember, like with our virtual Sports’ Day, you’ve got to be in it to win it! It will be lovely to work together as a team even though lots of us can’t be together with our friends in school.
Good luck and have fun!
Mrs Eccles
Maths Subject Leader
P.S. For those of you in Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3, our free access to Numbots will run out on 30th June so there are only a few days left to use that. Hopefully, the Sumdog games will be a good substitute for you to keep practising your Maths.