Year 6 Science
Our science topic this term is Evolution. In class we have been looking at how the same animals can have different traits and why this might be.
Eva decided to take the investigation further by researching the topic at home. She has produced a very informative booklet about the different…
Category: Year 6
Year 6 Art
In class we have been discussing camouflage in the animal kingdom and the reasons why it is beneficial to various species.
Lydia has produced a beautiful piece of artwork reflecting this principal. I am sure you will agree!
Category: Year 6
How does a thermos flask work?
To understand how a thermos flask works we had a go at making our own! We learnt that the aluminium foil is like the reflective lining of the inner chamber of a flask and this prevents radiation, the heat is reflected back towards the liquid. The gap between the two bottles represents the vacuum…
Category: Year 5
Year 6 have been learning about angles this week. Click here to discover their innovative way of remembering them!
Category: Year 6
Visit to Blackpool Zoo
On Wednesday 4th October Year 1 went to Blackpool Zoo. We had a great day despite the chilly weather. We enjoyed spotting lots of differnet animals- tigers, giraffes, lions, elephants and monkeys. We particularly enjoyed the penguin and sea lion shows. We met Victoria in the zoo classroom who…
Category: Year 1
Investigate which solids conduct heat
Can you see the dot on the head thermometer attached to the metal spoon? This time our experiment worked! We found out that the metal spoon conducts heat the most effectively. We recommended to the refreshment stall holder to use wooden or plastic spoons. However we decided that wooden spoons are…
Category: Year 5
Investigate which solids conduct heat.
We had to plan an experiment which would test which spoons would be best for a refreshment stall holder to use to stir hot soup. We learnt lots from the experiment as it didn't work! We learnt that next time the mugs need to have a lid and the water needs to be much hotter so that we can see which…
Category: Year 5
A Jewish place of worship
Year 4 have been learning aout the synagogue, a Jewish place of worship, they drew and labelled a plan of the synagogue and explained how each area is used. Brendan explained why Jews go to the synagogue and wrote his ideas in speech bubbles and thought bubbles. Ask other children in Year 4 what…
Category: Year 4
Science - Temperature of Liquids
This week Year 5 have been investigating how the temperature of a liquid changes according to the environment that it is in. We used a data logger to take the temperature of a hot cup of tea and milk straight from the fridge. We found out that both liquids reached room temperature, interestingly…
Category: Year 5
Alice in Wonderland - Backstage photos
Here' s a sneaky peek backstage!
Category: Year 6
Year 6 attend Carr Hill for Science lesson
Year 6 recently attended Carr Hill High School to take part in a science lesson. As well as familiarising themselves with the school, it was a useful opportunity to find out about science in high school.
The children were presented with 2 challenges. The first being to extract salt from rock…
Category: Year 6
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
We have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in class and we read about Charlie's ride in the glass lift.
There were 5000 different rooms in Mr Wonka's factory that could be reached by using the lift. We all chose a room we'd like to visit and drew what we imagined would be inside…
Category: Year 3